題 名 | 明代重要之大型詞選--「古今詞統」試論=An Important Collection of Tzu in Ming Dynasty: A Preliminary Examination of The Anthology of Tzu: Ancient and Modern |
作 者 | 陶子珍; | 書刊名 | 國文學誌 |
卷 期 | 4 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁75-97 |
分類號 | 821.936 |
關鍵詞 | 北宋; 南宋; 婉約; 豪放; 古今詞統; 草堂詩餘; Northern Sung Dynasty; Southern Sung Dynasty; Restraint; Passionate; The Anthology of Tzu: Ancient and Modern; Grass Hall Collection of Tzu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 《古今詞統》,凡十六卷,為明代重要大型詞選之一。全書總共選詞2037闋,詞調296個,按字數多寡編排,是為「分調本」詞選;而所錄詞家,除無名氏外,計有486人,以南宋162人為最多。 《古今詞統》選詞範圍,涵括:隋、唐、五代、宋、金、元及明,時間跨度大,數量亦夥。其統合婉約與豪放兩家,不使分道;並蒐羅遺文、逸事,以集大成。而就全書內容析之,其選錄標準有三:一、以《草堂四集》為選錄基礎,而不受其局侷;二、以摹寫情態,令人魂動魂化者為上;三、以「竹枝」、「柳枝」舊屬詩餘而入選。是以《古今詞統》轉易歷來,以唐、五代及北宋為重心之選詞趨向,並開啟南宋宗風,對於清代詞學之發展,具有關鍵性之影響。 |
英文摘要 | Consisting of 16 volumes, The Anthology of Tzu: Ancient and Modern is considered one of the largest collections of Tzu; in the anthology, 2037 Tzu and 296 melodies (Tzu diao) are collected. Regarded as "melody-oriented" collection, all the lyrics are indexed by the number of characters. Considering the authors selected, instead of those anonymous ones, there are 486 poets, with the lyricists from Southern Sung numbered most-162. Regarding the scope of The Anthology of Tzu: Ancient and Modern, the two diversified styles of writing-restraint and passionate are both included in it, encompassing the period of Sui, Tang, Jin, Yuan, and Ming Dynasty, and including the largest number of lyrics. In addition, writings from other sources, such as dispersed manuscripts and anecdotes are also collected, in order to compile an anthology that is representative of all the styles. Examining the anthology from its contents, there are three criteria for collection, firstly, using the standard set up in The Four Books of the Grass Hall but not restrained by it; secondly, imitation of the emotion and expressions, creating the effect of moving the spirits of the readers; thirdly, employing the "bamboo braches" and "willow braches" that belongs to the selection of the ancient poetry. The Anthology of Tzu: Ancient and Modern transforms the criteria of poetry selection, that emphasizes of the lyrics in Tang, Five Periods and Northern Sung Dynsaty, and opens up the new standard of compiling since Southern Sung Dynasty, and rendering a key influence on the research of Ching Dynasty. |