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題 名 | 臺灣中小學公民教育與「臺灣人」意識的型塑=Taiwan's Civic Education and the Shaping of Taiwanese Identity |
作 者 | 單文經; | 書刊名 | 教育資料集刊 |
卷 期 | 25 2000.11[民89.11] |
頁 次 | 頁47-63 |
專 輯 | 道德教育專輯 |
分類號 | 523.4419 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣教育; 中小學公民教育; 臺灣人意識; 意識型態; Taiwan's civic education; Taiwanese identity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在從歷史發展的角度,考察臺灣地區的歷代統治者有意或無意、藉著廣義和狹義觀點的公民教育,所型塑的「臺灣人」的「意識」。本文共分為六節。第一節,前言,在說明寫作本文所採取的立場為:從臺灣主體,針對廣義和狹義的公民教育,所進行的學術探討。第二節,指出清領以前時期的社會之中,「本地人」意識開始萌芽。第三節,說明清領時期的社會,中國士子的意識與茁壯中的「本地人」意識並行存在。這兩個時期,掌握政權者並未刻意地以教育或公民教育來型塑臺灣人的意識。第四節,分析日據時期,日本殖民政府有意地透過中小學的公民教育,來型塑日本皇民意識,但是,「臺灣人」的意識卻也逐漸的形成與發展。第五節,則在敘述中華民國時期,政府先是透過中小學公民教育,以中國人意識的強調來消除日本皇民意識,其後則因為政經社會情況的轉變與臺灣本土意識的興起,而透過中小學公民教育型塑臺灣人的意識。第六節,作者在結論之中,提醒大家要正視與善用中小學公民教育所發軍的意識型塑與思想管制的功能,勿將臺灣人的意識帶向狹隘的地域意識與分裂意識,而為中國霸權的威嚇製造理由的機會。 |
英文摘要 | The paper is aimed to examine historically the shaping of Taiwanese identity by utilizing education or civic education as a means of ideological management. The paper is divided into six parts. Firstly, that the article is written in a stance of Taiwan subjectivity, which is different from the Great Chan point of view, is described. Secondly, that the "localist" sense of Taiwanese was slowly sprouted before Ching Empire ruled Taiwan is described. Thirdly, in Ching's ruling, that the sense of Chinese academician accompany with the gradually grown "localist" sense of Taiwanese is analyzed. Fourthly, in Japanese identity was built up during the same period. Fifthly, in the recent 50 some years, two sub-periods are delineated. In the earlier ages, Chinese identity was emphasized to eliminate the sense of Japanized subject. The sense of Taiwanese was gradually cultivated synchronously. In the last section, the author suggests that the ideological management functions of civic education should be carefully manipulated. The author also reminds that sense of "Taiwanese" should not be brought into narrowly developed regionalism and separationism. |