題 名 | 義務教育階段資優學生補救教育措施之研究=The Adaptive Remedial Education for the Gifted Students |
作 者 | 陳美芳; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 19 2000.09[民89.09] |
頁 次 | 頁309-325 |
分類號 | 529.61 |
關鍵詞 | 資優低成就; 補救教育; Gifted underachievers; Remedial education; Adaptive education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在了解國內義務教育階段對資優學生實施補救教育的現況,先透過座談及文獻資料分析編製調查問卷,再調查840位來自全國不同地區、任教不同學科的國小及國中教師,分析他們對資優低成就學生適應問題的看法及對各類補救教育措施的了解與成效評估。研究主要發現如下:(1)「聰明但成績低落」及「某些才能出眾但成績平平」兩類學生都有學習態度不佳與動機低落的問題,聰明但成績低落學生出現外顯行為問題的比例至少約占五成,某些才能出眾但成績平平學生則出現內向及外向行為問題的比例各佔兩成。(2)調查對象認為教育或學校行政層級規劃的補救教育措施中效果較好的是技藝班、體育或才藝班,效果較差的是假期輔導及課後輔導;他們認為自己採取的措施中效果較好的是提供個別教學或輔導、教材與作業內容或方式的調整等,效果較差的是教家長如何協助孩子。整體而言,教師對自己採取的補救措施效果的評估似乎優於行政層級規劃的措施。(3)七成以上教師認同為資優學生提供彈性而具挑戰性的學習環境,但可能比較接受以充實為主的資優教育措施。 |
英文摘要 | The study aims to investigate the remedial education programs for the gifted students graded from 1 through 9 in Taiwan. Based on the penal discussion and literature review, a survey was carried out to investigate the effectiveness and problems of the remedial education implemented in Taiwan. The subjects were 840 primary and junior schools teachers derived from different areas in Taiwan. The major findings were: 1)Both gifted underachievers and students with plain achievement but some outstanding talent had the problem of inappropriate learning attitude or motivation. The specific adjustment problems were analyzed for both group. 2)In general, the effect of current remedial programs was reported to be moderately helpful. The effects of different types of programs or strategies were compared. 3)More than 70% subjects supported individualized flexible and challenge programs planed for gifted students. |