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題 名 | The Politics of Sanity: Vietnam, Watergate and the Psychological Afflictions of Presidents=神智健全與政治:越戰、水門醜聞事件與總統之心神不寧 |
作 者 | 約翰‧羅普爾; 張錦隆; | 書刊名 | 歐美研究 |
卷 期 | 30:2 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁31-69 |
分類號 | 570 |
關鍵詞 | 美國總統; 越戰; 水門事件; 心理素描; Presidents; Vietnam; Watergate; Psychological profile; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 美國總統詹森和尼克森的批評者主張,他們在越戰和水門醜聞事件中,所遭逢政治上之困難與阻撓,導因於他們心理狀態之缺陷。這些批評者並且強調,如果換成一個心理較為平衡的領導者,如甘迺迪總統,易地而處,應該可以避免詹森和尼克森的錯誤。這篇論文探討批評者如何藉由總統自傳文獻、有關這些自傳之心理解析,和有關組織制度與憲政結構之分析,來獲致一個結論:儘管這兩位總統之所作所為,在任期內造成災難性的後果,他們卻能夠在競選總統的過程中,保持個人心理狀態大致穩定均衡,不至於爆發精神症的憂懼病癥,而終能入主白宮。然後本文藉由奧立佛史東 (Oliver Stone) 所製作之尼克森傳記電影,主張這個關於總統內心紛擾之心理影像,和大眾文化 (Popular Culture) 有密切相關性。本文的結論是,這些對於詹森和尼克森心理狀態之描繪,使得學者們將越戰中之敗戰經驗與水門事件中之不當憲政醜聞,歸咎於總統心理失衡所產生之異常行為。這兩個歷史事件中的錯誤,並不適合歸因於美國有關冷戰之固有偏執觀感,所造成對於外交政策決策和憲政運作過程的影響。 |
英文摘要 | Critics of Presidents Johnson and Nixon have argued that psychological deficiencies contributed to the political debacles of Vietnam and Watergate, endorsing the myth that John F. Ken-nedy, a more well-balanced leader, would have avoided their mistakes. This article considers how, through biography, psy- chobiography, and in analyses of institutional and constitutional structures, such critics suggest that Johnson and Nixon were able to reach the White House with their individual neuroses intact, with disastrous results for their conduct in office. This image of the psychologically disturbed president is then considered in re-lation to popular culture, with particular reference to Oliver Stone’s film biography of Nixon. The conclusion is that these portrayals of Johnson and Nixon allow the responsibility and the blame for the nation’s defeat in Vietnam, and for the constitu-tional excesses of Watergate, to be seen as forms of aberrant be- haviour rather than as examples of the ways in which America’s Cold War preoccupations impacted not only upon its foreign policy but also upon its political and constitutional processes. |