題 名 | 繁殖經驗對熱季泌乳母豬繁殖和仔豬性能之影響=The Effect of Reproductive Experience on the Performance of Lactation Sows and Their Piglets during Warm Seasons |
作 者 | 鄭清森; 顏宏達; 鄭焜之; | 書刊名 | 中華農學會報 |
卷 期 | 1:2 2000.04[民89.04] |
頁 次 | 頁142-149 |
分類號 | 437.656 |
關鍵詞 | 繁殖經驗; 母豬; 仔豬; 性能; 熱季; Reproductive experience; Sows; Piglets; Performance; Warm seasons; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 利用藍瑞斯(L)與約克夏(Y)雜交二品種母豬122頭(初產53、二產31和三產38頭)比較初產和經產(二、三產)母豬的繁殖經驗對其體重、仔豬生長和下產次性能的影響。試驗在夏季進行,平均溫度為29.2 ℃(最高33.1和最低25.2 ℃),初產和經產母豬的哺育仔豬數平均為8.4頭。 在26天的泌乳期間內,初產和經產母豬的飼料採食量分別為2.8和3.2 kg/日,差異顯著(P < 0.01)。初產和經產母豬分娩後體重分別為168.7和200.7 kg,及離乳時體重分別為148.9和176.7 kg,經產母豬顯著地(P < 0.01)高於初產母豬,但泌乳期間的體重和背脂損失無顯著差異。 就仔豬性能而言,初產和經產母豬哺育仔豬之離乳窩重(41.88和48.88 kg),泌乳期間整窩增重(29.10和34.72 kg)、仔豬離乳體重(5.30和6.11 kg)與每日增重(150和179 g)等各項性狀之比較,初產母豬均顯著地(P < 0.01)低於經產母豬。自離乳到發情之間距,經產母豬亦較初產母豬為短(P < 0.05),初產和經產母豬離乳至發情之間距分別為16.2和11.0天。離乳到分娩間距與下產次出生存活仔豬數,初產和經產母豬間則沒有明顯的差異。初產和經產母豬乳液中脂肪、蛋白質、乳糖和固形物之差異不顯著。 |
英文摘要 | A total of 122 Landrace×Yorkshire sows (primiparous 53, second-parity 31 and third-parity 38 heads) was used to make the comparisions between primiparous and multiparous sows as to productive performance and piglets growth during warm seasons (average temperature 29.2 ℃, the highest 33.1 ℃ and the lowest 25.2 ℃). Animal were fed a fortified corn-soybean meal ad libitum during a 26-day lactation. The primiparous and multiparous sows nursed 8.4 piglets in average. There were significantly (P < 0.01) greater for multiparous than primiparous sows on feed intake (3.2 vs. 2.8 kg/day)、farrowed weight (200.7 vs. 168.7 kg) and weaming weight (176.7 vs. 148.9 kg). The loss of body weight and backfat of sows during lactations were similar. For piglets performance, there were significantly (P < 0.01) greater for multiparous than primiparous sows on weaning weight (48.88 vs. 41.88 kg) and weight gain (34.72 vs. 29.10 kg) of litter, and weaning weight (6.11 vs. 5.30 kg) and daily weight gain (179 vs. 150 g) of piglets. Interval from weaning to estrus was significantly (P < 0.05) shorter for multiparous than primiparous sows (11.0 vs. 16.2 days), but no difference existed in interval from weaning to parturition and live litter size of next parity between multiparous and primiparous sows. There were no significant diferences in fat, protein, lactose and solid of milk between multiparous and primiparous sows. |