檢索結果筆數(9)。 各著作權人授權國家圖書館,敬請洽詢 nclper@ncl.edu.tw
- 題 名:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
72:4 2020.12[民109.12]
- 頁 次:
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Computational Framework to Explore Impact of Environmental Stress on Epidemics:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications
- 卷 期:
32:6 2020.12[民109.12]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
Dynamic Anti-windup Compensator for Fractional-order System with Time-delay:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
22:5 2020.09[民109.09]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
An Improved Sum-of-squares Based Approach to Fuzzy Tracking Control Design of Nonlinear Systems:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
22:4 2020.07[民109.07]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
A Complete Stability Analysis for Planar Delta Operator Systems Subject to State Saturation:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
22:4 2020.07[民109.07]
- 頁 次:
題 名:
題 名:
Practical Stability Analysis of Sliding-mode Control with Explicit Computation of Sampling Time:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
22:4 2020.07[民109.07]
- 頁 次:
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題 名:
Prediction-based Adaptive Robust Tracking Control of an Uncertain First-order Time-delay System:
- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
22:1 2020.01[民109.01]
- 頁 次:
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- 作 者:
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- 卷 期:
22:3 2020.05[民109.05]
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A Secure Link Aware Fault Detection Algorithm for Enabling a Reliable Communication in MANET:
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
35:4 2019.07[民108.07]
- 頁 次:
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