檢索結果筆數(11)。 各著作權人授權國家圖書館,敬請洽詢 nclper@ncl.edu.tw
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- 卷 期:
56:1 2005.03[民94.03]
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- 卷 期:
42:3=165 民94.09
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衝擊事件下投資人情緒與股價指數動能之研究:The Study of Investor Sentiment and Momentum in Stock Index after Shocks
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- 卷 期:
10:1 2008.07[民97.07]
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Using Patent to Predict Book-value-per-share and Investment--Evidence in China A-shares:
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- 卷 期:
8:2 2020.12[民109.12]
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Determinants of Inflation in Bangladesh: An Econometric Approach:
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- 卷 期:
17:3 2018.12[民107.12]
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Foreign Investment Inflows and Growth of the Secondary and Tertiary Sector of the Indian Economy:
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management
- 卷 期:
8:3 2016.08[民105.08]
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Does Inflation Influence Unemployment in Zimbabwe? An Econometric Assessment:
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management
- 卷 期:
12:2 2020.05[民109.05]
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management
- 卷 期:
12:3 2020.08[民109.08]
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management
- 卷 期:
5:3 2013.08[民102.08]
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Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Tunisia:
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International Journal of Information, Business and Management
- 卷 期:
7:1 2015.02[民104.02]
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國際石油價格下跌對臺灣總體經濟之影響:The Effect of Crude Oil Price Declines on Taiwan's Macroeconomics
- 作 者:
- 書刊名:
- 卷 期:
1 2018.12[民107.12]
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